Glenkinchie 12

by Single Malt Snob
I married with this one
Today a review of the Glenkinchie 12 year old.
This whisky has been available in my household ever since September 2020.
Although it is not my favourite whisky, it does hold a special place in my heart.
Let me divulge a little of my personal life here, to explain the above statement.
In September 2020 I was supposed to have my wedding on the Island of Aruba.
As we all know, 2020 was a year that ended up totally different for everyone around the world. At the end of July, my then fiancé and myself got the news that there was no way we would get married on Aruba. Since no one knew how long the worldwide lockdown was going to be, we decided not to postpone, but move the whole wedding to the Netherlands. And my now wife managed to arrange [lees verder].