

by Single Malt Snob

It all started when I was a Forest Ranger and my boss told me to market a certain area.

Across the table from me, a man of retirement age sits down and sips from his water. His eyes sparkle joy when he starts telling his story. And I quickly pen down my first notes for this interview.

This small adventure started months ago. And I am not kidding when I say months.
After a fun evening in my favourite whisky bar with a friend, we ended the night with a very funky Bruichladdich from an Independent Bottler. And for couple of days, it was a topic on our chat. I decided to browse some webshops selling IB Bruichladdich and found one that sold samples of a Dutch Indie Bottler that had multiple Bruichladdich bottles. Gowe Whisky.

Sharing this information with my friend, we decided to buy a couple of these and promised ourselves that we would enjoy them together.
I ordered two large samples and got them delivered two days later. Then the clock started. 

For months those samples were staring at me from my whisky cabinet, waiting for a moment to try them.
When we finally were able to sample the samples, we both fell in love with the Bruichladdich on ex-rivesaltes cask. Cask number 1511. Going to the webstore we ordered the samples from, fully intended to get it, everything was (temporarily?) sold out.
A quick Google prompt later, we discovered the website with a webshop from Gowe Whisky itself and were able to get a bottle. But that website triggered me a bit, I wanted to know more. I decided to contact the bottler.

I sent an email, mentioning I just ordered a bottle and was curious. I mentioned I was a small, tiny whisky blogger (A title that I find too large to use to describe my work here.) and asked if I could interview him. The very next day I received a response. Not only was this bottler open for an interview, he was even suggesting to meet up and even sample some Gowe Whisky!

So on a windy Monday evening, me and my Drambuddie Martijn were sitting at a table with the man behind Gowe Whisky, Han Duyverman.

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